By Anonymous - 23/07/2013 04:48 - United States - West Palm Beach
By Anonymous - 23/07/2013 04:48 - United States - West Palm Beach
By A drunk walks into a bar and says NO SEX TONIGHT - 22/07/2022 16:00
By holycrap - 03/03/2010 05:37 - United States
By jigglypluff - 19/11/2014 05:27 - United States - Omaha
By whathef???? - 13/02/2010 06:51 - Canada
By xomelodygervais - 08/11/2013 14:00 - Canada - Timmins
By Anonymous - 04/01/2016 06:59 - United States - Atwater
By IfuSeekAmyIdo - 05/04/2009 21:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/06/2019 02:10
By Anonymous - 05/09/2019 08:02 - United States - Staten Island
By Sorry babe - 29/11/2020 08:02 - United States
He's lucky if we'd seen that in my home town he would have got his head kicked in.
Last time you'll ever role-play!? Surely you could just try something a little more subtle next time? No need to shelf it all just because of this
Don't stop role playing. It's good to be adventurous. You just have to be careful when it comes to stuff in public. Have fun!
Why in the hell would you try "role playing" your husband as a dude slipping something into your drink and at the place where that stuff actually happens? The other people wont know what you are actually. Respect to the people who took the initiative and threw him out.
To everyone who is saying that people slipping things into drinks is a common method of rape, the actual statistics don't support that. Don't get me wrong, the bartender absolutely should have thrown him out for doing it and her too if she tried to say it was a role play. But when you look at the numbers for sexual assault the most common drug used by far is alcohol. In college, for example, it is involved in over 80% of sexual assaults with around 70% of victims and 70% of assailants drinking at the time of the assault (so usually both are drinking). So when you go to a bar, keep your eyes on your drink so other people don't put things in it but also keep close track on how much you drink.
Dude, why would you even try to role-play someone getting drugged in a public place? That's like pretending to be slapped by your husband in public and going home to do the deed, S&M-style. I'm glad the bar owner/patron acted when s/he did; at least some people in the world still care about the safety of others.
How did you not see that coming? Y'all are into some weird shit if you're faking being raped.
You both disgust me.
Beyond stupid. Honestly with all the women who get drugged and sexually assaulted, if I were a bar tender I'd throw him out. And there is no way I would believe he was "role playing".
Well, they were at least being cautious. What would of happened if this was real and not Role Playing?