By Anonymous - 16/06/2014 16:33 - United States - Franklin Park

Today, my laziness reached an all-time high. I had a dream that I was at school and had spilled all the contents of my backpack onto the floor. I then purposely shook myself out of my sleep to avoid cleaning up the mess in my dream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 709
You deserved it 11 004

Same thing different taste


Respect101 17

I have mixed feelings for living in America, I love it, because Americans are spoiled compared to other countries, but then it sucks, because people go around and do nothing and become overweight causing us to be the fattest country... The overweight people I'm talking about are the ones that can control it and don't actually have obesity running in their blood.

People say 1 word and then there's a shitstorm...

If you have a problem with America, move, simple as that.

I know the feeling, sounds exactly like me xD but it's awesome to be able to wake yourself up from a dream! :)

After that you went back to sleep because you were too tired. :)

I've done that. I dreamed I was at work (cashier) & I got a difficult customer & I just made myself wake up so I didn't have to deal with her

mangoboy1 19

Maybe it's time to do something about that...

TwinkleToes7 15

I don't get how this is an FML..

After the first snooze my subconscious takes over. So what I dream looks real to me and I think I already started the day.