By onemoreruinedthing - 24/01/2010 00:26 - United States

Today, my little brother learned to write his name. How did he tell the family? By writing it in permanent marker all over my 100 year old piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 629
You deserved it 2 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Musicians treasure antique instruments. Ever thought of that? Guess not. Musicians prefer older instruments to newer ones. The older it is, the better it sounds because the instrument was broken in. Second reason, better quality. There are sets of violins from the 18th century that sound and play better than those made today.


Try rubbing alcohol first. Nail polish remover could damage the varnish, if there is any.

Well now your piano has more history.

mendel_fml 0

Another family that keeps permanent markers in reach of small children. YDI, I guess.

What, you have them hidden in a safe with a 20 digit code? Get a life, kids love to colour on paper, and markers are usually near permanent ones.

No, OP didn't do it. The bratty rugrat's mom did it for not giving a shit what her stupid cumstain was up to. It's not a sibling's responsibility to raise her parents' mistakes.

shalizzz 0

Don't use nail polish remover!!!! It will destroy the varnish! Rubbing alcohol should do the trick........but it won't be easy!

anela_fml 0

Actually, if a new piano had been written on, you could go buy another that looks the same. Unlike the 100 year old one,which is hard to find, therefore, more meaningful.

Pianos are not an instrument that get better with age.

afarr 0

Umm, no, pretty sure they sell for more.

shalizzz 0

They don't "get better".......... but a well-crafted piano will become more valuable with time! Go online and see how much you'd have to pay for an antique Steinway & Sons piano before you open your mouth and make a fool out of yourself!

FYI, I'm pretty sure he typed that... He didn't open his mouth... Fool. :P

shalizzz 0

In that context, "opening you mouth" can be considered an idiomatic expression! How come I, a person for whom English is a foreign language, was taught that in school and you, a person who lives in a country where English is one of the official languages, were not?

#22: As long as they're tuned and cared for properly, they may not "get better" with age like wine or cougars, but they sound better than newer pianos. #56: I'm pretty sure Zero was being sarcastic. OP: That sucks big hairy sweaty camel balls. :( I have an antique piano too. I'd definitely say refinish it. But if you try to wash it off, test whatever you use on a small portion of the wood, maybe a leg, by the pedal, or the bench since it most likely has the same finish.

Anon9002 0

What to do now: Teach the sucker to play piano like nobody can. 20 years later that piano of yours might worth millions if your little brother turn out to be a genius. Think of it as an investment.

EnterChoose 1

This was very recently on FMF (**** My Family). She probably realized that nobody goes on that site and came here for more sympathy, or someone else stole it. So YDI, either because you're an attention ***** or because your life is too boring to have an interesting FML story and you're so desperate that you had to steal a moment of someone else's.