By onemoreruinedthing - 24/01/2010 00:26 - United States

Today, my little brother learned to write his name. How did he tell the family? By writing it in permanent marker all over my 100 year old piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 622
You deserved it 2 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Musicians treasure antique instruments. Ever thought of that? Guess not. Musicians prefer older instruments to newer ones. The older it is, the better it sounds because the instrument was broken in. Second reason, better quality. There are sets of violins from the 18th century that sound and play better than those made today.


Zoomin24 0

just sand it down and re-varnish it, that sharpie will come out nicely~

xx3ginaxx3 0

omg that's horrible! I'm so sorry :(

@41 "now don't do it again or I'll cut your balls off" I agree with using goofoff, just test it on the bottom somewhere to make sure it won't melt the varnish.

Keep it to give him as a future wedding gift.

socrkeeper001 0

whatever. the piano still works.

Maybe paper would have worked better. I'm just sayin'

This was an antique of very high value, you should kill your brother.

OnTheSaneSide 0

That sucks, I'm sorry.... I actually learned that the piano we have is 100+ years old and I can't imagine anyone writing on it in sharpie (or, for that matter, anything)

ninix3_fml 0