By onemoreruinedthing - 24/01/2010 00:26 - United States

Today, my little brother learned to write his name. How did he tell the family? By writing it in permanent marker all over my 100 year old piano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 622
You deserved it 2 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Musicians treasure antique instruments. Ever thought of that? Guess not. Musicians prefer older instruments to newer ones. The older it is, the better it sounds because the instrument was broken in. Second reason, better quality. There are sets of violins from the 18th century that sound and play better than those made today.


No, it's his piano now. He has his name on it.

i feel bad for you... >.< how about repainting the piano?

That would probably ruin the antique value of it and it would be worth considerably less if they sold it.

your a ******* idiot for giving him a permanent marker. what did u think he was going to do with it!

I'm also assuming there is a huge sentimental value for the piano considering it's age. that's why the op is so upset

MercyLightning 0

You can use expo marker to remove sharpie. Just color over it, then erase. My teacher did that for her whiteboards one time, someone marked on them with sharpie, and she just colored over it with expo. Voila! No more sharpie

That's true, but sometimes it takes three or four tries to get all the sharpie off, and Expo marker doesn't always completely come off of the wood either.

I'm pretty sure OP didn't just give their little brother a sharpie. It's the parents' fault for leaving it somewhere where a little kid could find it, tho. That should have been a reply to #34

The little bugger. He was supposed to write "Romani ite domum".

im so sorry. you can use acetone but i guess that will ruin the paint also, you can put dry erase marker over it and then erase it.

The truth is unless the permanent markers are locked up, they're not inaccessible to small children. You'd be surprised at how they manage to get things.

Thank you! Im glad someone said it! Small children can get their hands on just about anything they really want, its in their curious and stubborn nature to do so. OP, I feel for you that really sucks, Id be pissed!