By rashree - 13/02/2010 01:34 - United States

Today, my long-distance boyfriend told me that he was going to pee on me to "mark his territory." When I told him that it was disgusting, he said, "last time, I just peed on you in the shower." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 725
You deserved it 3 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3- People aren't saying its dirty to pee in the shower, just that its gross to pee on your gf in the shower.

Badboy6 5

hahaa funny.. lol but nasty u got a weirdo bf


I agree snickerdoodle, Neck tattoos are sooo gross! I dont really care for any tattoos, but I really, really dont get the whole names of your bf/gf thing.

IJustLuled 0

Wasn't there an FML where Someone's Boyfriend peed on them in the shower? This also reminds me of R-kelly for a certain reason.

the good thing about long distance relationships is that the only thong you need to do to end it is hang up the phone or close the chat

and why the *** did u waste ur time and cook him dinner?? YDI u might as well have licked his bumhole and thanked him for cheating on you!!

Alllllllright, now off to bed with you eh? Come back and play when you can remember where you are. ;D

Wrong FML, #33. edit: Aw, that commenting too much warning canceled my reply.

p3rfect_ins4nity 0

wow this Ginger bitch has u seriously sit on fml all day long waiting to comment on new fmls? u have issues get a life u stupid ****!

lolroflmao 0

Well *somebody* woke up on the wrong side of the park bench :-/

you know snikerdoodles, by giving us that whole bullshit stuff saying your not going to brag about it and shit is pretty much the same thing as doing it.

AntiChrist7 0

Thank you^^ Snickerdoodles? I'm no hater but everytime I hear the word "snooty", your comments come to mind.

your boyfriend is only a filthy pig and if you accept that, next time he will poo on you