By Anonymous - 07/02/2013 06:20 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my manager asked me for the password to my Internet so she could Skype family since she can't pay her bill. This is the same woman who just a week ago tried to evict me because my rent was an hour late. Trying to be the bigger person, I gave her the password. She changed my password. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 468
You deserved it 18 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that is what being too nice can get you. A sad truth, but the truth nonetheless.


Hpixiee 23

This is where being nice gets us sometimes. Not all too much you can do.

Twisted_Angel 17

what an asshole. call your ISP, and tell them someone hacked it, and changed your password. they should be able to reset it or change it for you...

helpfulperson 9

That was extremely naive. Why would you give complete access to your wi-fi, and by extension; your computer and files to a person you don't even trust or like

Push the reset button on the router and reset the password.

Reset it on the back to reset the password and change the ssid to something funny like no Internet for you "insert name"!

tricialynn86 3

So cancel your Internet... Open a new account

There is a way around this if you don't know your password. Also, never do that again. I trust nobody on my laptop except my family and a gf if I ever someone. #foreveralone

YDI. You should never give your password to strangers.

shrdlu 28

This makes me appreciate living in a large impersonal apartment complex.