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By Anonymous - 07/02/2013 06:20 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my manager asked me for the password to my Internet so she could Skype family since she can't pay her bill. This is the same woman who just a week ago tried to evict me because my rent was an hour late. Trying to be the bigger person, I gave her the password. She changed my password. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 468
You deserved it 18 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that is what being too nice can get you. A sad truth, but the truth nonetheless.


well derr ,your PIN is yours ,oh im broke what is your pi and bank number ?

My pi is 3.14159265358979323846, I always assumed that was everyones' pi though.

coolboy675 16

My pi tastes like apple and oranges.

You should've connected her computer FOR her, the she wouldn't know your password.

Anyone with basic knowledge can retrieve the password from the computer.. In class we were working on usb wifi.. The teacher logged in for us.. Took all of 10 seconds to retrieve the password, starting at the desktop...

39- Were you in a classroom with clone desktops?

J9DeeZy 4

On the back there's a reset button on the router hold it down for 30 seconds it will set it to default settings. Including the password.

I did that by mistake once. I had to call tech support because I couldn't find my original wifi name, as it turns out I deleted the name as well.

oj101 33

What a bitch. She makes Peter Parker's landlord like a saint in comparison.

If you're referring to the Toby Maguire movies, I really didn't think Peter Parker's land lord was that bad. Peter apparently wasn't paying his rent, so he naturally harassed him for it, because he relies on the tenants' rent money for his livelihood. He could have just evicted him and rented the apartment to somebody else who would pay for their rent, but that's not what he did, presumably because he was reluctant to make Peter homeless.

Cancel and change the password With the provider of the wifi.

internet and wifi are not quite the same thing, just fyi. ;P

Easy fix, just break all her Internet devices.

Then you realise that always being a bigger person is not a good idea

Reset your router, make up a new password, don't tell your landlord what it is, and start looking into a different place to live.

When you do find a place to live, tell her she's ungrateful because you were trying to help her out but now it doesn't matter because you're taking your rent money AND the Internet with you.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You're manager likes abusing you and you're letting them get away with it. Never give anyone your password. And you need to move. Petty people only respect pettiness.

Honestly, you absolutely deserved this. Why would you ever give out your password to anything? That's such a bad idea I don't even know what to say.