By smh - 15/07/2014 20:11 - United States

Today, my mom and dad played rock, paper, scissors over who gets to spend the night with me in the hospital tonight while I have surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 030
You deserved it 4 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Loser has to stay or winner gets to stay? Big difference.

parents these days... sorrt OP.. hope the surgery goes well..


avila_boy22 12

At least they still act youthful, but kinda childish....sorry OP, they really shoulda been volunteering

Key word: "get" It'd be different if you said "has" because "gets to" sounds like a privilege while "has to" sounds like a burden

The reason for doing that is because they both love you and it dosent matter who stays. Because they both can't.

How is this not a MLIA?? That is flippin awesome. I wish my parents would do that. haha

Did they do that right in front of you op?