This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 14/04/2009 22:52 - United States

Today, my mom asked if she could use my red dress for her two-week trip to the Caribbean. I said no, because I was going to a party and I wanted to wear it. She called me a selfish, greedy bitch who would stay single forever. I paid for her plane ticket, her hotel fees and her cruise ship fee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 206 933
You deserved it 14 813

Top comments

ohhhhshizzz 0

Yeah I agree with #3, you better cancel that trip. that will show her who's a greedy selfish bitch. And while she is wondering why the flight was cancled. say its cause you were a greedy selfish bitch. And then put on the red dress and leave. =] bwahah.


fatfaceunited 0

quit being such a selfish bitch and give your mom the dress, she gave birth to you for christ's sake, she deserves to look good every now and then

TallMist 32

OP never chose to be born. That's the mom's fault right there. And, no, OP paid for absolutely everything so her mom can go on the trip and, when OP doesn't give her mom the dress, she gets called selfish, greedy, and a bitch. Are you telling me the OP is selfish and greedy after paying likely hundreds of dollars so her mom can go enjoy herself JUST because she doesn't want to give her mom her own dress too? Very weird logic because it seems like the mom is a lot more selfish and bitchy, not even thanking OP for everything, based on what the FML says.

Did you... Did you even read the thing?

I agree that you should cancel the trip. My mother does that too. I purchased myself my first very fancy coat (meaning over 40 bucks) from macy's this past year. She wore it more than i did. (me wearing it maybe once) When i asked her to get it dry cleaned and the button she lost fixed she yelled at me for being a bitch and never doing anything for her.

Meowff 0

Cancel the trip, or go FOR her. Hurry! And let us know what happens. :)

i agree-cancel everything. she dznt deserve ne of it.......and y would she b wearin a party dress neways when she has 2 b in her 40s at least(im just guessin at that cuz im 18 and my moms in her early 40s-u can correct mi if im wrong). and when she asks y they wont let her on the plane, in the hotel, and the ship, call her a selfish, greedy bitch and walk away.

Should've reminded her of that, then took the tickets, and gone on the trip yourself.

XDNLxtlz99 0

Woah.. Motherly Over Reaction Much? I'm pretty sure you'd get a fee for canceling it now, however, i say you take all of the money she has before she leaves.

alex_vik 0

#14 - Did you just tell the daughter to dump her mom? That doesn't even make sense.

GuyatStuy 0

Hide some sharp object in her bag, and let's see her go traveling!

ya but #10, she is not selfish if she payed for basically everything. duhh??