This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 14/04/2009 22:52 - United States

Today, my mom asked if she could use my red dress for her two-week trip to the Caribbean. I said no, because I was going to a party and I wanted to wear it. She called me a selfish, greedy bitch who would stay single forever. I paid for her plane ticket, her hotel fees and her cruise ship fee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 206 933
You deserved it 14 813

Top comments

ohhhhshizzz 0

Yeah I agree with #3, you better cancel that trip. that will show her who's a greedy selfish bitch. And while she is wondering why the flight was cancled. say its cause you were a greedy selfish bitch. And then put on the red dress and leave. =] bwahah.


average_girl 0

take all of ur moms money and run away. shes doesnt deserve u!

Quinnjamin 0
Abirys 0
Abirys 0

HAH cancel the flight by "accident"

Bees_fml 0

You meant "I'd" in that last sentence, right?

You should cancel the trip and leave the dress on her bed. Then, tell her that she was right, she can borrow the dress, but you need to spend the money that would have went for the trip to get a new dress for your party and you know she'll understand that you were just trying to be less selfish and greedy, so you won't be single your whole life.

LLsuperfly 0

#9 it can be either, and her way is more concise so chill

This_Guy 0