By sexxibxmami - 19/02/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, my mom came over to visit and permed my hair. Ten minutes after she started, I told her it was burning. She told me to suck it up because it doesn't hurt that badly. I now have scabs all over my scalp, hairline, and nape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 080
You deserved it 3 727

Same thing different taste

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I hate parents that say suck it up. My best friend in high school lost his kidney because he was told to suck it up. He sued his parents for neglect, won and took the out of state scholarship.


mlg91605 0

that totally sucks. why do you people fault others when they use correct terms, then fault others for using improper typing? im just saying, that if you dont like what your reading then dont read it DUH!!!!

this is probably gods way of reminding you - no perms after 1989

Mx_Rider 6

-_- im getting tired of snickerdoodles.

Menick47 0

Your moms a bitch then. No effence. :)

Anthrophobia 2

If perms are done CORRECTLY at home, there really shouldn't be any problems. Perms aren't needed? Perms help way more than flat irons, really. Flat irons tend to give hair a burnt smell if used enough.

lortay2468_fml 0

suck it up atleast u didn't have to go to the salon were they charge u. it will go in a couple of days. u should even be thankful that ur hair and scalp didn't fall out . I'm 12. and my mom perms it all the time ofcouse I get burns and scabs. u probubly got them because u was scratching ur hair alot. be fore the perm u should if put Vaseline or protection before u started the perm. when I was 10 I went to a salon to perm my hair and got a 2nd degree burn that is now permanant. that Is worse than scabs.

First off, to anyone who believes it is okay to get scabs and minor burns while getting a chemical service is completely off their rocker. It is NEVER okay or acceptable to get chemical burns during a service. That is damage to your hair and scalp. Secondly, cosmetology school is a place for people to LEARN how to do these kind of services CORRECTLY. How are the students supposed to learn how to do an application correctly if they can't practice on real people? Mannequin hair does not react the same way as 100% human hair. Everyone's head is a different size, their hair have different wave patterns, etc then what you'll get from a mannequin. Third: Perm is the term used for chemically CURLING the hair. Relaxer is the term used for chemically STRAIGHTENING the hair. Even if the chemicals are similar (like thio perms and relaxers), the process is still different and they do different things. It sucks what your mom did, OP. I suggest going to an actual salon so they can help you rebuild your hair.

lashe21 4

girl chill dis prolly didnt evn happn.!! yea it wuld suck if it did but i doubt.!! a relaxer or perm dnt take no ten mintues nd her mom shuld know tht unless she is an idiot.!!

Depending on the strength of a relaxer or perm and the porosity of the hair (the hair's ability to absorb moisture), yes it can take in 10 minutes or even less. That's why its helpful to always read the instructions.

I would recommend you be kidnapped/recruited, but erm... uh... euh... oh yeah, you parked in a no-parking zone twenty years ago, and Emily once voted Republican, so I'm afraid you both fail our criminal record check :O

fobchick 0