By weeks - 19/08/2009 04:41 - United States
Same thing different taste
By thats what my ipod is for - 26/04/2013 17:34 - United States
By Asterisk1009 - 29/06/2009 05:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/06/2015 18:08 - Russian Federation - Moscow
Now watching
By Anonymous - 14/01/2011 23:07 - United Kingdom
Thanks dad
By Anonymous - 24/01/2015 01:02 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 12/11/2020 08:03
By Red - 04/12/2014 16:31
By Anonymous - 22/10/2011 23:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/03/2010 08:38 - Australia
By losingstreak - 31/01/2009 20:47 - United States
Top comments
I've done a similar thing. My parents were all on me for watching some disgusting fetish ****, when really it was my brother who used my computer all night. I took the fall because they already hate me, he's got a chance.
That comment gives me no end of entertainment. You can't make fun of someone by calling them a fifteen year old girl when you yourself are only fourteen.
I know the people who type like that are primarily around my age. The insult wasn't in the age.
Actually I'm not ignorant, I have reasons as to why I hate gays, To me homosexuality isn't good for the species as a whole and is a big step backwards in evolution, in an evolutionary standpoint our only purpose is to reproduce anyway, how can a fag reproduce? Lol think I'm insecure about my sexuality all you want, but I'm not gay and my girlfriend knows that. :).
That's the second most common reason people state for hating homosexuals. First of all, the percent of homosexual men and women has always been around 3%, so no worries about our species dying out. Second, if you hate homosexuals because they are messing with our evolutionary purpose to reproduce, do you also hate infertile women? What about couples that just choose not to have children? In truth, hating infertile women is a better analogy, because they don't choose to be infertile, just as homosexuals don't choose their sexual orientation. Lastly, if every last person on the planet was homosexual turned heterosexual and produced just ONE child each, that would be an extra 90 million people. That's over 10 times the population of New York city. So be thankful that everybody isn't heterosexual, because we're running out of room on this planet as it is.
#133, I love you. In a non-stalkery way. =)
I didn't answer your questions actually in the other two paragraphs, but I feel like I should clarify, I suppose I hate the homosexuality itself, as I hate the infertility itself, I hate the homosexual PEOPLE because they encourage it. Infertile women do not encourage infertility (I don't think there would even be a way for them to do that...) yet homosexuals hold pride rallies and flaunt it as much as possible, it's not that it's only 3% of the population, my problem is homosexuality is becoming more and more prominent with each passing year and the percentage is no doubt increasing. While it's not a big issue now, it could become an issue over a long span of time, which is again lol looking at my evolutionary standpoint. To everyone else, While you're flaming me and burying my comments before even reading anything besides "I hate gays", you really need to take a step back and notice the hypocrisy in calling ME closed minded, your hatred torwards my opinion is just as closed minded.
You say that "homosexuals encourage" being gay, but it's not like they go door to door handing out pamphlets and asking you to 'convert' or anything. Pride parades aren't meant as an advertisement but rather a symbol of a group of people that are finally able to be themselves after centuries of persecution. I realize that everyone is entitles to their own opinion and I'm not going to say yours isn't valid simply because it differs from my own, but I think that any opinion that leads a person to hate an entire group of people needs to be seriously re-evaluated. Don't all human beings deserve the same amount of respect regardless of race, gender and orientation? Especially if their only supposed 'fault' is the way they were born. Besides, the only reason your noticing that the gay community is becoming more prominent is because this is the first time in history where society is accepting of them (for the most part, anyway). I don't know, maybe I'm a bit of a typically idealistic teenager, but I believe in human equality and respect for all. Save the hate for tyrannical dictators and perpetrators of genocide, if you must have it at all. *Hops off soapbox*
as I stated in another comment on this FML, I'm a misanthrope, Quite honestly I already have a general hatred torward MOST people, and humanity in general. Trust me, It's not just homosexuals, I have a much larger hatred torwards religion (especially the Mormons, mainly because they've followed me around my neighborhood trying to convert me which is just annoying as hell), either way atleast you weren't an ass about making your point, so I hope you have a nice life :).
#217 pretty much said it. It's not that their numbers are increasing, it's that more and more are comfortable in coming out after a long time pretending just so they wouldn't be judged. Granted, now some people find it fashionable to be homosexual or bisexual, and they annoy the shit out of me. Pride rallies aren't for 'spreading the gay' like some people may think. Pride rallies have certainly played a roll in the acceptance movement. But again, #217 hit many points that I was going to. And I do believe that your comments shouldn't be buried, everybody's opinion should be read beyond the first sentence. I also hate religion, just as a sidenote. It's just such a sadistic concept saying "Do what we say and be like us or else you'll spend eternity suffering.". Science can fly people to the moon, religion flies them into buildings. I for one think the world would be better off without it.
Did you ever think that homosexuality was nature's way of making sure a species didn't over populate? If they truly do make up 33% of the population than that means there are still plenty of people making babies lol.
You guys should just leave this mike kid alone already and stop being assholes! I'm sure hes not gay. And anyway, i'm a 15 year old girl and i think that 5'5 is pretty tall, so shutup already.
5'5 is tall for a 15 year old girl. Most 15 year old boys are taller though, I'm not exactly sure of the average height, but I'll guess around 5'8 or 5'9. Maybe taller. Unless you're 5'0, then I can see why you'd think 5'5 is tall, but to most people, for a 15 year old male, it's fairly short. PS. Don't take offense to this Mike. I'm not meaning to offend you, because chances are, unless your mom is really short, you'll grow a lot taller since guys can grow until they're in their 20s.
Is it just me or are these comments very entertaining? Especially these one-sided arguments everyone seems to be having.
There was one bitch spamming in stereotypical poor fat black chick lingo , that's who I was arguing with. They seemed to have been deleted.
The were 2 sided it's just that we were all ganging up on the kfc fucktard. and all her comments got deleted.
I agree, I've been looking down the comments and been very confused most of the time. Confused but very amused. =D
Yeah.. sorry about that Mike I kind of forgot that I'm nearly 2 years older than you.. I think the guys I know would have been about that height at your age,, sorry about that :P
ugh, your mother probably deserves to know. but you should probably speak with your dad about it in private first or something... yeah not as easy as it sounds i guess. FYL.
Plexico's comment FTW. =) Though I'm rather confused at the replies. O.o
BLACKMAIL your dad into buying you whatever you want :D
hahah , that was a lose situation no matter what . =/