By weeks - 19/08/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, my mom explained to me that looking up gay porn on the internet is bad. I didn't look up gay porn. The only other person who uses the laptop is my dad. I couldn't tell her the truth and had to pretend I enjoy gay fanfiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 409
You deserved it 5 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

BLACKMAIL your dad into buying you whatever you want :D

Orchid_fml 2

hahah , that was a lose situation no matter what . =/


Wow mike you're kind of a ******, you semi admitted you were gay, I hope you get AIDS. I'm not overreligious by the way, I'm an athiest, but faggots deserve to die. :) Have a nice ******* day. the **** did I semi-admit I was gay? Also, you're an ignorant bastard

What's wrong with gays? He never said he was and even if he was why should it matter?

82 you are an ignorant asshole and op dont out your dad he might just be trying new things maybe hes just bi curious.?..

wow. no really. Anyway, to the OP, definately use this as a 'get out of jail free' card with your dad. Good luck with it.

Homophobes are so amusing. Bashing gays is a defense mechanism that distracts them from their own insecurity about their sexuality. I'm not confused at all, and everyone knew I was a lesbian before I came out. It's how I feel right- with a woman. What's so wrong about love? I deserve to die because I fall in love with women? Okay. Regardless, "hell" will be so much more interesting and fun. Everyone will have a blast. Plus, it will obviously be fashionable.

Your mom is right, gay **** is bad for young women. You really need to focus on STRAIGHT ****! At your stage in life, you need to learn the intricacies of double penetration, cumshots and bukkake! It's up to you to branch out to fisting, fetishes and/or bondage, but you should look at some hot MILF action for future reference.

junjouromantica 0

#93, try telling that to all the yaoi fangirls in the world. Yeah, I'm one too. And a proud one at that.

Right on, #221! BTW--my favorite is your username :D

Wtf you fat shit? Is that so you can throw it at us to prove that Rasputia is the ultimate fucktard who needs a good slap? Question number 2: How does following and replying to your comments make us attention ****** as well? You're an idiot and people like you should be shot. And just because you say you're winning doesn't make it so. You need to get yourself a life. Or some cyanide.

jahwn 12

Be proud for saving your parents marriage, if your mom got that pissed, she probably would divorce him if she found out. Also, teach your dad about private browsing and your mom about tolerance and privacy. God dammit, my first comment didn't post until now.

weezi_fml 0

omg..well as long as the situation passed thats agood thing you did covering up

I hate you i hate you i hate you. How you talk, it pretty much says "I'm an illiterate idiot" Seriously, i hate you. I hate people who type bad.

If someone says they have a life guess what?......they don't so just stfu because nobody likes you

Yaoi Fanfiction is awesome. YDI for not reading it.