By lrgenesis - 04/02/2012 08:13 - United States

Today, my mom friended all my friends on Facebook then thought it'd be a good idea to try and act like a teen so she'd be considered 'cool'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 182
You deserved it 2 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CalCommando 6

Oh good God that's every teen's worst nightmare!


littlemsweirdo 12

Been there. I agree it sucks. She is probably lonely or she wants more time with you! But admit it, you gotta love the annoying ass things your old folks do(:

She is under wrong impression that "Teens are cool", They are not.

Not necessarily. Clueless parents would be a problem. My parents are on Facebook, and I have them friended, and they occasionally comment on pictures I throw up or statuses I make, but for the most part their too busy chatting with old friends that they found through it.

cassiebear7652 7

You throw up pictures? *They're

Namerkp2 8

Strangely, your picture matches your comment perfectly.

perdix 29

Aw, that's easy. A real challenge is to be a teen pretending to be a middle-aged dude.

you can't blame her for trying to be cool.

taytaylal 11

My friend's mom did this to me. I denied it obviously because she would comment on all my friends status' and I didn't want her to do that to me.

cassiebear7652 7

Parents+Technology/anything social=not a good mix.

Yes, I'd like to see the proof of your equation.

cassiebear7652 7