By thiswouldhappen. - 17/03/2009 02:19 - United States

By thiswouldhappen. - 17/03/2009 02:19 - United States
By Shocked - 17/07/2009 19:24 - United States
By nickrick12 - 19/07/2011 22:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/07/2020 20:04
By sadfacemaking - 20/07/2021 08:01
By fuck off, dad - 04/04/2014 21:31 - Colombia
By Anonymous - 10/10/2015 06:39 - Canada - Victoria
By airrinw_33 - 21/01/2013 03:55 - United States - Greenwood
By wtactualfuck :( - 24/10/2012 21:08 - United States
By LoveMyNewBro - 04/01/2011 10:56
By ohdeargodthatswrong - 09/01/2010 13:25 - United Kingdom
why do parents think a ring will convince their dear daughter to keep her leg closed? it never works.
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Show it anywayhere's the thing, I can respect your faith, but not agree it is a realistic plan. it is obvious that the OP did not want to wait (or she would have). her father's attempt to force her to make a decision with a promise ring is what is laughable, each person has to make the choice of waiting (or not) for themselves. forced promises will never work and ARE a laughable idea.
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Show it anyway198, sex is good, but it's sole purpose is not for enjoyment. it is to procreate and unite as one flesh with your spouse and that person only
206- I'm a Christian and I agree with you. however there are times when parents force their children into lying. this possibly being the case. A promise ring is only as good as the person wearing it. And for those who aren't Christian it's fairly understandable that they would wish to enjoy the pleasures of sex before marriage.
if sex is holy then every animal is a saint. waiting till marriage is just a form of population control. To "believe" otherwise is ignorant
like lol
If you love someone enough you can wait, and you shouldn't have sex if you dont love the person enough to stay with them forever.
I don't understand the whole 'no sex before marriage' thing, I genuinely don't. I don't have a problem with people enjoying sex with someone else who feels the same way, from a one-night stand to a married couple; sex is meant to be enjoyed. I don't however have any patience at all for people who use sex to hurt others (from cheating to rape and child abuse) and I think in this day and age it is absolutely despicable and inexcusable to get pregnant when you do not want a child or cannot support it or yourself. Other than that, I don't see why it should matter if you have sex. It's a basic element of nature which is meant to be enjoyed, there's no need to surround it with stigma and rules. You wouldn't do that with any other fundamental natural instinct, like eating or whatever. :)
they should make the ring to fit around the legs!(;
I think all you church obsessed retards can jump off a bridge. it's ass hats like you that are keeping us from using stem cells to cure things like diabetes. (which I have) **** OFF
So you would like to kill children just so you can eat sugar? That's beyond immoral, asshole. And even if they could figure out how to do it, do you think you could afford the treatment? Doubt it.
If my parents asked me and gave me one, I'd keep the promise. She can do what she wants but she shouldn't have lied like that
I feel no sympathy for kids when they get caught having sex in their parents homes. When I was in school we got creative, only the smart ones were able to have sex ;-)
Like in scary movie were the dad puts a electric fence around the girls legs.
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Show it anywayyknow it's people who are brought up in the 'abstinence is great' environment who get more STDs than those who arent. they aren't taught about proper contraception so when they do have sex it's usually unsafe.
And that is why you don't do it in your parents' house.
OP could at least lock the door...
Now your Dad finally understand that ring would never work. Ask him -- did he wait till marriage too?
This is why you don't make a promise in the first place. You either do it or you don't. And that way your parents don't have any kind of ridiculous expectations of you.
agreed! if you didn't agree, you shouldn't have promised. sucks to be you!!
to clarify: I agree with #6, and I think that if the OP didn't agree with what the dad was asking she shouldn't have promised and accepted the ring.
dude, that sucksss. That's why you always do it at the guy's house, haha.
doesn't he know promises are meant to be broken? =D rather, he should have taught you " if you have sex before marriage, you'll get chlamydia! "
and die. hahahahah jk
Ditto #3
why do parents think a ring will convince their dear daughter to keep her leg closed? it never works.
And that is why you don't do it in your parents' house.