By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, my mom had one too many and announced to all of my friends that, if she had the opportunity, she would bang Gwen Stefani. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 939
You deserved it 4 698

Same thing different taste


AA357 0

What's wrong with that? So would I.

jeremybrnsred 0

I'd bang Dallas green. and i'm a dude... juss sayinn

suckmysarcasm 10 confused..does this mean your mom is a "holla back girl" ? if so maybe she should call Gwen so they can "wind it up" and prepare for the "great escape".

iBiteRoses 22

I would **** Gwen Stefani. Let me know when you find somebody who wouldn't.

If I tried to post something everytime my mum said that she wanted to "bang" some famous person, I would never be off this website. So in other words, it's not a big deal. And yes, a fourteen year old is basically telling you to grow up. Anyways, I bet you'd bang her too, but at least your mum isn't posting it about you.

lellalove_fml 23

My mom says that sober. And she's been married to my stepdad for eleven years.