By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, my mom had one too many and announced to all of my friends that, if she had the opportunity, she would bang Gwen Stefani. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 939
You deserved it 4 698

Same thing different taste


muffinsareyummy 1

your mom and i have that in common.

duchesse427 0

your life isn't ****** but in no shape or form do you deserve that, like why do people feel the need to put "you deserve it"

bumble3 0

this is not worthy of an fml. who wouldn't want to have sex with gwen stefani? I just saw no doubt in concert the other night, and throughout the whole show I was thinking the same thing as your mother!

Kohaku_Jun_Shior 0

If I had an opprotunity to, I'd defiantely bang Gwen Stefani! And I'm a woman. Though, to some people that might be embarassing. If it is... well... it'll be okay, it's not like she said she'd bang one of your friends. Look on the brighter side of things and think of Gwen naked! It always cheers me up :)

becominginsane 0

hahahhaha it is just awesome your mom rocks!!

Did your mom immediately afterwards throw up on or around anyone? no? Then she didn't have too many!

I'm touched..Let me illustrate my feelings. ::Attempting to give a damn:: ::loading:: ::20% complete:: ::45% complete:: ::50% complete:: ::ERROR:: ::An error occurred during upload, damn not given:: This isn't an FML it is just a bloody bad case of embarrassment now suck it up and put your big boy/girl undies on and deal with it.

judomemo 0

I would have busted out laughing