By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, my mom had one too many and announced to all of my friends that, if she had the opportunity, she would bang Gwen Stefani. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 939
You deserved it 4 698

Same thing different taste


xxissuesxx 0

Dude, your mom is awesome.

qwertyuiopz 0
waterynuggets 0

I don't blame her... Gwen is a fox and a half.

swingthedisk13 0

i definitely concur with your mother on that one

u2_lover_05 0

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I think it's safe to say that the majority of people don't care, lol. But I have to agree with your mom

thts ok i have seen lesbo moms before perfectly nautral NOT SICKO *(squishy,squashy)*

JDsaltyfalls9 0

i laughed so hard when i read this i peed a little...FYL dude