By allgrowedup - 12/02/2011 03:10 - United States

Today, my mom left me at home with a babysitter. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 370
You deserved it 5 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have sex with the babysitter then

Your mom needs to cut the umbilical cord. I feel sorry for you.


goldfish78 11

your mom is testing you if you are a real man!

go blaze with the sitter so she cant drive home

Igor_g5 0

I agree with everyone who recommended sex with the babysitter.

ZebraBacker54 0

says the guy that looks like a petifile

AcidRaen 4

maybe your mom got you a "babysitter" so you could get laid and stop complaining about everything (:

Omg yer teautally a adult then srsly! 17! Jeezus ! NO WAI! Seriously, you may be too old for a baby sitter but you ARE only 17 and generally teens can't be trusted... Can you blame them?

Decodedman 1

"Today I came home from a night out to find my offspring playing doctor with the babysitter. My kid is 17. FML"