By PheobeBuffay - 11/12/2015 18:14 - Norway - N?tter?y
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I'm sorry, OP. My first thought was; "Look at me, I'm FAB-U-LOUS!" belted out at the top of your voice while making the choir robe look more fashionable. But having a religious mother and not measuring up to what she wants me to be, I know that it's not funny and I am sorry she is doing this to you.
Well... Did it work?!
What?? Did she actually say that? I'm sorry, that's the funniest and most ridiculous thing I've read all evening xD Seriously though, did it work? I'm pansexual coming out of a Jehovahs Witness family and whenever I get those pesky "homosexual tendencies," singing a few songs always seems to do the trick for me! ^.^
That is a new one.
there's nothing more gay than church choir. they're doing it wrong.
Tell her how hot one of the other choir boys/girls is.
make her sing the bigotry out of her
Come dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter from the The Rocky Horror Picture Show :D
If sexuality even worked that way, I think you'd just end up "more" gay.

Sing in a really high pitched voice and then slowly make the tone go deeper and then say you're straight
as a scientist I can 100% verify this method