By PheobeBuffay - 11/12/2015 18:14 - Norway - N?tter?y

Today, my mom made me go to church choir rehearsal with her so I could sing "the gay" out of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 614
You deserved it 2 970

Top comments

Sing in a really high pitched voice and then slowly make the tone go deeper and then say you're straight

as a scientist I can 100% verify this method


bad_boyfriend 10

What's she going to try next, enroll you in theater so you can act the gay out? lol

Lots of asshole mums on FML these days...

Sounds like you're mum need to doused with a it of holy water lol ?

peithecelt 28

as the mother of a gay kid, I want to come rescue you from a family that ignorant and tell you it gets better. as a horrible human being I desperately want to make a joke about you being the most fabulous vocalist they have, but... I'm really torn.. so you get both! ;)