By Jillian Drute - 16/08/2011 04:54 - United States

Today, my mom showed up completely hammered to a party I was throwing. The party was to celebrate the ten years that I've been sober. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 378
You deserved it 2 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Majstr 23

Congratulations on your sobriety.

Very selfish of her.... But congrats on 10 years that's awesome!


Your moms a bitch. Congrats though.

creedaddict 9

Way to go mommy .... Just Cause you cant drink doesn't mean mom can't

lmfao but hey wen im plasterd i dnt remember nothing so it wasnt totally her fault congrats on doing what i dont have the guts to do

Um it doesn't matter if you can't remember, you are responsible for everything that happens when you are drunk because it's your fault you got that way. Just saying.

Mine too but at my 15th birthday party. Fml

Wow your mom is not right in the head. Half the people who say they couldn't imagine a fun party don't look and probably arnt old enough to buy booze.

jadejazmyn 5

Congrats on successfully staying sober!