By Cassandra - 14/10/2011 00:10 - United States

Today, my mom took a bright red sharpie and drew a red circle just above my breasts. She said, "If I can see this, ever, your shirt is either too low cut or too see through and it will be thrown away." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 647
You deserved it 12 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you let her go near your breasts with a sharpie?

YakuzaxGeneralz 9

How did you let her finish the entire circle? How did you not see her coming with a bright sharpie. Your mother must be a ninja.


mama8809 0

I much prefer a girl with class than a girl that has to entice me by wearing slutty outfits.

Girls don't dress in revealing clothes specifically to entice you, you know. Some dress a particular way because that's what they prefer for themselves. Not everything a woman does is to please a man.

RedPillSucks 31

Unfortunately, they "prefer" that because overt sexual displays are taught through the media as a way to make one seem more desirable. Who's doing the desiring?? Mostly men. Lesbians don't really care what you dress like.

Ok, so first of all, sharpie will eventually wash off, second, she does have a valid point about the shirts, but does she expect the sharpie to last forever or does she plan to redraw it weekly? If my mom came at me with a sharpie, however, I would have dodged her... Why did you let her draw on you in the first place?

She cares about you and is making sure you don't have a slutty image. Although chucking away the shirts seems to be going too far.

yoursucklives 36

if you're 10-15 your mother did nothing wrong.

yusaku02 20

you mean if she's living under her mother's roof then her mother did nothing wrong

How old are you? If you're an adult, that sucks. If you're a minor, suck it up.

"And she is kind of right.. " She is indeed kind of right, but I think her method is very questionable. Saying 'Wear what I want you to wear or I will throw it away!!!" isn't the best thing to do towards a probably young and very sensitive teen who is just discovering her sexuality. In my humble opinion, it would be better if she spoke to her daughter as an equal, trying to convince her that too sexy clothing attracks a specific sort of men, and that people will think of her as a specific sort of woman. It's not right as a parent to play the dominant boss. It's not right to throw the belongings of your child away. That will only cause frustration, hate, and probably even more rebellious (and slutty) behaviour.

mishkaroni 15

Nice job mom. After what I saw an 8 year old wearing in public today, it's a shame more parents don't intercede in what their children walk out the house in.

I saw a girl who looked to be about 10 a week ago who dressed like she was 19. I was thinking wth?

PYLrulz 17

Agreed. It's especially crazy during the summer the way some girls dress. Just makes you feel dirty if you even just look in their general direction, let alone at them

mishkaroni 15

With younger kids especially they should be stepping in. Dressing a child provocatively because their fav disney character does is asking for trouble.