By Cassandra - 14/10/2011 00:10 - United States

Today, my mom took a bright red sharpie and drew a red circle just above my breasts. She said, "If I can see this, ever, your shirt is either too low cut or too see through and it will be thrown away." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 647
You deserved it 12 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you let her go near your breasts with a sharpie?

YakuzaxGeneralz 9

How did you let her finish the entire circle? How did you not see her coming with a bright sharpie. Your mother must be a ninja.


@18...genius solution....but if your not 18 then moms right....if you are over 18.....grow up get a job and move out..... I did

FYLDeep 25

Just remember, she shouldn't have had to do this.

At least now there's likely to be one less baby mama in the world

nawafm 8

Just wash it and she won't see it ever.

rein 8

X marks the spot for buried treasures but I guess in your case it would be a circle ;)

I had to do this to my youngest daughter,but she's 11 and built like an adult. Us moms are just trying to keep you age appropriate and keep your butt out of any "trouble" with boys. As I tell my girl, I do it because I love you and want you to grow up with morals and respect for yourself.

Add two more circles about 10 inches from your mom's circle and connect them with a tube drawing.

RedPillSucks 31

They'll probably call her "bong chest" at school. All the boys will gather round and try to see who can "smoke" her.

FYLDeep 25

Just like there aren't positive correlations between fast food and weight gain, power and corruption, and smoke and fire. It would be preposterous to think otherwise.

laurbear12 3

Umm no one said anything about that..

Snafuusmc 12
zebraface 15

Then don't say anything. It's really not that complicated.