By zazzleface - 09/04/2012 12:23 - United States - Bergenfield

Today, my mom was in the kitchen when her shirt caught on fire. Acting quickly, I poured my glass of water on her. Instead of thanking me, she yelled at me for making a mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 284
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ungrateful bitch, she should be happy you saved her from severe injury.

DaKillaMafia 2

Should have just let her burn.


Ask her if she would have preferred you let her burn, don't actually threaten to do so (or actually do so) if the same thing happens again, just point out that you saved her considerable harm and that doing so was worth a little mess.

You should've thrown lighter fluid on her.

venomousddog 19

You should have yelled at her for catching fire, and when she tells you that makes no sense, tell her so does the fact that you're yelling at me after I saved your life

puddin128 1

What the hell is with you people? "Let her burn?" Uhh no. You would be screaming just to scream if your ass was on fire. It was the mothers first reaction so you can all shut up and thumb me down to hell. But seriously.... On the other hand, I know some of you weren't serious but still.

You said I could thumb you down, so I did.

^ Actually, I thumbed Puddin up, as I agreed with him (her? Sorry, didn't check.) I don't know many tough guys that wouldn't scream and flail if you set their ass on fire, myself definitely included, so I don't blame Op's mother for freaking out a bit. It's a normal enough reaction. :)

perdix 29

Maybe you interrupted her protest self-immolation. Or maybe she was doing her Katniss impression and the OP ****** it up before her chariot ride. You never know what pyromaniacs want!

rightspark 7

It must happen to her all time she must be a pro to put the fires out

I think her screaming has something to do with the fact that she lives in New Jersey.

You know when I first read this I thought it said shit not shirt lol well to me seems like your mom didn't want to come to terms she was stupid and caught on fire so she scape goats you to avoid her real situation. Happens to me all the time.. Well the scape goat thing not the shirt caught on fire.