This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Mercury - 07/10/2017 09:35

Today, my mom yelled at me and beat me because I made her look stupid by using a complicated word that only “fucking nerds with Asperger’s” could understand. The word was “indifferent.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 84
You deserved it 6

Top comments

Take photos of any bruising or lacerations, if possible, and speak to a counselor at school. They're legally required to intercede when given evidence of abuse. You're mom is a bitch, by the way.

really_dad? 14

Beat you? Call the police Op and have that monster locked up. Whoever can abuse a child, theirs no less, for stupid reasons can and will do it worse for dinner reasons


that is awful and emotionally and physically abusive. I am so sorry you had to go through that. It is not your fault. I would urge you to get some supper, talk to a teacher at school or phone a helpline. Please look after yourself and put yourself first. It is important you value yourself OP.

Take photos of any bruising or lacerations, if possible, and speak to a counselor at school. They're legally required to intercede when given evidence of abuse. You're mom is a bitch, by the way.

really_dad? 14

Beat you? Call the police Op and have that monster locked up. Whoever can abuse a child, theirs no less, for stupid reasons can and will do it worse for dinner reasons