By daughterinlaw - 18/12/2012 17:09 - United States - La Plata

Today, my mother-in-law, who apparently made a copy of our house key without permission, walked in on my husband and me doing the deed. She went crazy, yelling at me for "defiling" her son. Last week, she yelled at me for not having given her grand-children yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 531
You deserved it 4 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hermafadeer 5
SourLifeSaver 3

..Doing the deed? That's a new one...


Your mother-in-law seems like an interesting lady...

I think your mom-n-law needs to do the deed...maybe she wont be so angry! lol

happilyever2012 6

Well now you know only females on his side are crazy. Hope for boys!

sugarbear0727 19

I hate it when my bf's mother is like that. -.-

Omfg You should've (or at least threatened to) called The cops. It's not only rude, but this counts as her breaking in. and as for the grand children thing, tell her she asked for it..