By daughterinlaw - 18/12/2012 17:09 - United States - La Plata

Today, my mother-in-law, who apparently made a copy of our house key without permission, walked in on my husband and me doing the deed. She went crazy, yelling at me for "defiling" her son. Last week, she yelled at me for not having given her grand-children yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 531
You deserved it 4 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Change your locks. If you then see her trying to steal one of the new keys, shout "swiper no swiping!" I've heard it works well.

What did your husband do while she was yelling at you? Sounds like he just sat there & let her treat you that way. Maybe you should send him back to his mother.

That's unacceptable. Time to change the locks and get an alarm.

Sounds like a serious talk is in order, about how you are allowed to have sex with your husband in your own home, and about how even if it turns out your husband gave her a key (eg, fir emergencies or so someone has a spare) that doesn't mean she can just walk into your house without knocking (or ringing ahead). But yeah, she's blown that. Get the key back ASAP.

The_F3rris 11

She is a religious person who thinks virgins can give birth to babies.

Change the locks. Better yet, move and don't leave a forwarding address. And tell psycho monster-in-law that if she wants grandchildren, it's going to involve a little defilement. But it sounds as if that crazy old bat has some issues.

Call the cops and have her busted for trespassing. That'll sort her out!