By daughterinlaw - 18/12/2012 17:09 - United States - La Plata

Today, my mother-in-law, who apparently made a copy of our house key without permission, walked in on my husband and me doing the deed. She went crazy, yelling at me for "defiling" her son. Last week, she yelled at me for not having given her grand-children yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 531
You deserved it 4 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Restraining order sounds good. Must suck to have a nutjob in the family

Time to move out until your hubby sets some boundaries for his psycho mom... @.@

bugmenotmofo 34

Well, there are few "advanced" things that do not result in children and could easily shock overly religious types (for example, anal, bsdm or female doing her male partner with strapon), but it is still her fault for trespassing. Change locks and get police involved, if necessary.

Your mother-in-law is insane. Things like this cannot just be forgotten. You or your Husband need to let this woman know she is not a part of your marriage and there are things that are unacceptable to do. If you don't, just expect more of her crazy.

PrincessLiLi_fml 7

I would seriously consider changing the locks...

80skid 15

Looks like it's time to put her in a home.

You should stare her dead in the eyes while you finish off your husband :P

Well it's embarressing to walk in on your child getting busy. No matter how old they are.