By maf811 - 07/11/2011 12:13 - United States

Today, my mother panicked and was about to report me missing when I didn't answer her calls while I was at a movie. I'm 31, and have lived on my own for over 10 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 028
You deserved it 2 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could just see the police's response: Mom: "Officer, Officer, my son/daughter is missing!" Police: "Could you give me a description, ma'am?" Mom: "Well, he's 31, tall, has brown hair and brown eyes... Police: "Hold on hold on....31?" Mom: "Yes sir!" Police: -pauses- ... -click-


She loves you. Be happy, not ungrateful.

Haha that's kind of funny, you should do the same to her :)

Capt_Oblivious 10

Is her name by chance Norma Bates? Does she tell you how evil the other gender is?

If you are the guy who received the "momma hen" call from the ex-girfriends' mom, and your mom knew about it, it is reasonable that she is worried as to your whereabouts and safety. If you are the "chicklet of the momma hen", your mom is already too attached and you should not be surprised. If you are neither of the above, call your mom from time to time so she doesn't worry. Works wonders.

Mikeliosis 4

She probably had a bad dream or something.

Hahahaha id slit her trought and watch the dust come out

For a phone call? Glad you are not my kid.

Cambria91 4

Tell her shes crampin ur mother truckin style :) my mom did this on prom night.. I was 18 and i told her to chill out.. Grow a set op.. But be nice to mom she means well

Cambria91 4

no my mom had the police break down my boyfriends door

BretBanger 0

Haha. Move to Europe and lose all contact(:

Haha that's what I should've done! My mom used to call me multiple times a day and when I didn't answer she'd stop by. I eventually moved out of state.

Today I found out my landlord's daughter put a camera in my room. I have no clue how long it's been there, but because of financial situations I will not be able to move out for another 2 weeks. FML

What the ****? Just because your fml didn't get posted doesn't give you the right to post it as a comment on someone else's.