By maf811 - 07/11/2011 12:13 - United States

Today, my mother panicked and was about to report me missing when I didn't answer her calls while I was at a movie. I'm 31, and have lived on my own for over 10 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 028
You deserved it 2 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could just see the police's response: Mom: "Officer, Officer, my son/daughter is missing!" Police: "Could you give me a description, ma'am?" Mom: "Well, he's 31, tall, has brown hair and brown eyes... Police: "Hold on hold on....31?" Mom: "Yes sir!" Police: -pauses- ... -click-


Next time offer to wear a tracking colar

Jewdazking23 5

My mom did that too, i got grounded. You know where i was? At church

cjguthrie 8

I haven't had contact with my real mom since I was 2 months old

kelz29 0

Love and treasure her even when she drives you up a wall.

xXmileenaXx 6

lol XDDD thats so going to be my mom if i ever move out ''are you ok are you eating tell me do you miss me''