By liberatedwoman - 11/08/2009 14:57 - Oman

Today, my mother sat me down to tell me that since coming home from college, I sounded like "a liberated woman." She was disappointed and disturbed by this, and said that I should stop having strong opinions and ideals because it would make finding a husband for me difficult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 105
You deserved it 7 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

softbonez 0

Tell your mom to shut the **** up and that this isn't the 1950's.

Don't stop being "a liberated woman" everyone should use their brains and being willing to speak in a peaceful manor and have discussions on issues. Besides I would rather date a woman that can tell me that I am wrong and then we can discuss why I am wrong and find common ground. Keep it up, your doing the right thing.


bongoverthedrink 0

All white people are fat, **** their sisters, have missing teeth and talk like idiots. All blacks are uneducated and criminals. All Hispanic people are illegals and can't talk English. Sound ignorant? Well that's exactly how you morons morons sound when you say Muslims degrade women and what knot. Maybe if you actually picked up a book every once in a while you'd realize all that shit is media bullshit. I am a Muslim and I have more respect for women then most people i know. Jews and and Muslims have a sense of respect for women that is unmatched. But than again how would any of you racists know that because you are too busy being programed by the likes of these terrible excuses for media organizations.

using as evidence my own life.. i can safely say that that's NOT true.

bongoverthedrink 0

lmao coming from a hick that doesn't really offend me.

monkeysricecold 0

Dumbass, the Prophet married Aisha when she was in her twenties.

kilim_fml 0

you're saying that muslims are dirty but actually europe learned to take a shower too late (later than eastern countries) . in 15th century people only took a shower once a year in england. henry the eighth only had two showers in all of his life. i live in a muslim country and whenever i go to a country in europe, i find it too difficult in toilets. because in muslim countries, we do in fact wash our asses with water coming from the tap in the closet. but you guys dont. i live in a muslim country (turkey) and i think i am much cleaner than you are

Mommy knows best, now quit whining and get back in the kitchen.

Baha. I understand where the mother is coming from, but she's got it all wrong. I have strong opinions and I was married by 21 :P

Amana_fml 0

If you are indeed "liberated", than you know you shouldn't give up who you are no matter who says what. Trust your judgment. The kind of husband that your mom is talking about is not the man who would make you happy anyway...

bongoverthedrink 0

What did I misspell? you imply that I spelled something wrong but don't actually point anything out. Where did you get those passages? I bet it was some website that isn't even run by a Muslim. There are a bunch of websites that falsely translate the Koran, again try picking up a book.

when i have children i sincerely hope my daughters do not evolve into "liberated" women. i can't stand them. and i agree it will make it more difficult to find a husband that isn't a pussy whipped individual. (no sarcasm at all)

monkeysricecold 0

People like you should be sterilized.

your mom is a stupid git. its good that you have education. anyway wat decent husband wud want a ditzy wife?

Welcome to the Gulf, but you already knew that. I suggest you "liberate" yourself to another country with your fresh degree, where your mom can be disappointed with your man who accepts your opinions instead of squashes them.