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By butimarealbear - 13/07/2011 13:11 - United States

Today, my mother started dating a man who insists people call him 'Panda'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 686
You deserved it 3 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Panda no like being called regular name. Panda strong like warrior!



Sounds like she cant BEAR the thought of calling him Panda!

Hey, you can tell your friends your mom is ******* a Panda! You'll be the coolest kid on the block.

Flutist 3
iLove2LoveU 0

I don't see the FML in this! your moms dating a guy named panda!! awesome!!

pandas are awesome. they are black, white and asian at the same time!

dummbrunette 0

if he starts making you call him "Puff Daddy" that's when you should start worrying

juicedboi 7

Don't be racist, be a Panda lover. Black White and Asian.

zendaddy0 0
Iamaninchworm 0

Oh maker save me from 13s bad puns by releasing a blight to devour him...

Andrew1122 0

isn't that better than Big Daddy

He better make some good noodles. Noodles or gtfo.

12em12 1
coffeygirl12 14

I think he's my uncle... we don't talk to him...

Now I want to make my friends call me Panda!!

ImaWiseGuy 5

and that doesn't set off any crazy indicators with your mom?

just be careful of his lectures of sexual harassment

just be careful of his lectures of sexual harassment

just be careful of his lectures of sexual harassment

NatandAlexrhot 6
ImmortalKratos 0
SoKeshaHasWeed 0

Maybe he wants to be like Eminem in 8 Mile and have an animal nickname...

iAmScrubs 19

Panda no like being called regular name. Panda strong like warrior!

I freaking love all your comments iAmScrubs.

ebroski6 0

I am scrubs is what makes FML so funny

Mi24hind 0

So, people are switching from vampires to Panda's? Oh joy.

daxter136 0

yay about time the panda takes over those dumb vampires who look so fake

Iamaninchworm 0

And why are you saying this like its bad??? Pandas foreva.

iSitt 0

maybe that will get the preteens out of the science fiction. isles at the bookstires.

SwaggerMelon 6

Is it really you ChillLaxBroPandaLanders?