By Kelsie - 12/12/2009 15:41 - United States

Today, my mother thought it would be okay to take my camera and erase all of my pictures that included my graduation, party, and my sisters wedding. Her excuse? "We need more room for Katie's birthday." Katie is our pet cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 657
You deserved it 4 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DoingItWrong 0

They are recoverable so long as she hasn't taken the pictures of "Katie" yet. Swap out the memory card for a new one and hold onto the memory card with the deleted pictures in them. Then find a Computer Tech who can recover deleted data from computers, flash drives, and memory cards. It won't be cheap ... but you could always send your mother the bill once you recover them.

What a bitch. But you should back your pictures up really.


Your mums a bitch, go to her fridge and throw all the food at her wall opposite it!


erase the pictures, bring cat to chinese restraunt and have them fry it up.

If the pictures are really important to you, get a tech and not some cheap software from the internet. Get something reliable.

didn't you back them up on a computer?

valuemeal2 1

Well, you really should have uploaded the pix to your computer, but still. Also, my cats name is Katie too. Weird.


It's ok, even if there were pictures taken, you can probably still salvage yours. Just google photo recovery software. One of my friends is a photographer and accidentally deleted an entire shoot and was able to recover not only the day's work, but about 1500 pictures taken over the past year on that card. And it just cost $40. It works best if a lot of new pictures aren't taken on the same card, however, so the fewer of Katie the better.

bagelsalesman 0

Wow that really does suck. How special is Katie to your mom?? I love my cats ,but jeez..

YDI completely and utterly. Ever heard of backups genius? Especially if there were so many pictures in the camera that it was full.

ihatestupidppl 0

Yeah, FYL. It's your camera, you should be able to back up your pictures when you damn well feel like it. Your mom erasing them was a bitch move. And the fact that she felt the need to replace pictures of her daughter's graduation and her other daughter's wedding with pictures of a CAT BIRTHDAY PARTY is more than slightly creepy. Actually, forget the picture fiasco, the cat birthday party is quite creepy on its own.