By imobesejk - 17/07/2011 00:19 - United States

Today, my mother told me I'm going to get lung cancer. Because she smokes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 201
You deserved it 2 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's going to beat you in that race. not a real race of course, she would be out of breath


was she high when she said this to you?

there was a recen study. no you wont. but shes a bitch for not caring

Every study I've ever read - both recent and from years ago - talks about how dangerous second hand smoke can be. Do I'm not quite sure where you are getting your info from, but it doesn't seem like a very credible source.

The only studies that claim passive smoking is OK are the ones funded by the tobacco companies. They are not independent and were commissioned solely to 'prove' that point.. You can't take those as fact.

Her stupidity is almost as dangerous as the second-hand smoke she's helping you to breathe in.

—fessional footballers so incredible? No one really knows for sure.

Ugh, another moron who believes the "cigarettes give you cancer" myth. It isn't true! Light 'em up! Everyone knows smoking makes you look cool!

Duh! Everyone knows that dangling a phallic symbol from your mouth makes you look awesome.

ogthug, I'd rethink your commenting strategy a bit, my man. Calling someone a "******* idiot" is always more successful when you don't misspell half the words in your comment.

my2centsworth 15

Unfortunately, she's probably right. There is no safe amount of second-hand smoke to which one can be exposed.

carmenm 6

looks like op has inherited stupidity you can get cancer from second hand smoke

Well hopefully you don't get much from your mother.

nadorahb 0

Second hand smoke kills more than those who smoke. On the otherhand, tell her she is plotting your murder and say this with a bunch of people around. Hope that makes you feel better.

I received lung cancer from my mother as a result to her constant addiction to cigarettes. It is very likely, sadly enough.