By Anonymous - 07/11/2014 08:03 - Australia

Today, my mum was in a bad mood, so I tried to cheer her up by telling her I love her, and giving her a hug. She slapped me hard enough to leave a red, hand-shaped mark on my face, and told me to fuck off with my "sarcasm". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 749
You deserved it 3 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How could you love a mother who doesn't even accept your love ):

Oooh, that's cold, I feel sorry for you op.


My aunt is like that with her kids all the time

squidward_fail 5

i tried to plat my mom a song on the guitar, and she told me that i suck and when i tried to apologize she told me to go to hell...

I hate to be this person, but a parent slapping their child is NOT child abuse. I tried that card on my parents. Didn't work.

hitting as a punisment is not abuse, hitting when your kid tells you that they love you is abuse.

sounds like forreal got bitch slapped...did you get slapped because you were sucking some fat dick or something like a ****** or is it because you smell like a piece of shit ****** @cuntwhore

WOWWW...What a bitch...?...smh...I'm sorry- that wasn't cool.....?

hoopgrug 5

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