By Anonymous - 22/06/2016 02:45 - United States - Chillicothe

Today, my neighbor's 4-year-old daughter came up to me and asked if she could have my dog. When I said no, she started crying so much that her mom came out 5 minutes later and demanded that I give her daughter the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 814
You deserved it 1 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Demand that she give you her daughter to show her how irrational she is

Wow. That is just some stand up parenting being done by your neighbour....


I really hope you didn't give her the dog and told her to **** off and that her daughter is a little spoiled bitch

I wish this would happen to me because I would laugh in her face, say no, then walk away.

I wish this would happen to me because I would laugh in her face, say no, then walk away.

Happened to me before except they actually took the dog. I had to go to court to get him back!

BloodyGlass 10

"You can get the **** off of my property, or I call the cops, which will it be?" X)

I hope your certainly didn't give it to her, and told her to get her own damn dog. I think your neighbor is A little cray cray.

tediruxe 13

I'd tell her that she can give me $500 AND sign a contract that she'll come over daily 7 days a week, cook meals, clean my house and wipe my feet and the answer would still be no. Then I'd tell the little girl she is just as ugly as her mom

I wish that happened to me. Those dipshits wouldn't be left on the planet for anyone else to have to put up with.