By Anonymous - 22/06/2016 02:45 - United States - Chillicothe

Today, my neighbor's 4-year-old daughter came up to me and asked if she could have my dog. When I said no, she started crying so much that her mom came out 5 minutes later and demanded that I give her daughter the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 814
You deserved it 1 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Demand that she give you her daughter to show her how irrational she is

Wow. That is just some stand up parenting being done by your neighbour....


WTF!? what the hell is up with that mom!? keep a close eye on your dog, op. hope that crazy woman doesn't try and take him from you.

Op, I would consider moving because it sounds like they'll go to great lengths to get your dog. Keep an eye on your k9 pal and don't let them leave your sight!

Honestly, I would tell her to teach her daughter to not act like an asshole when she doesn't get what she wants.

Demand you take her daughter to foster care for not knowing how to raise one.

Please tell me that you did NOT give your dog to the crying little brat!

That bitch. I would of yelled loud af at her.

cornwallus24 8

Can say bitch you have a beat down coming

You didn't actually give her your dog, right???