By Anonymous - 22/06/2016 02:45 - United States - Chillicothe

Today, my neighbor's 4-year-old daughter came up to me and asked if she could have my dog. When I said no, she started crying so much that her mom came out 5 minutes later and demanded that I give her daughter the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 814
You deserved it 1 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Demand that she give you her daughter to show her how irrational she is

Wow. That is just some stand up parenting being done by your neighbour....


Wow, what a brat... and horrible mother! You don't owe that little twat anything. Kids need to learn that just because they scream and cry and want something reaaallllyyy badly, does not mean they get it.

If she ever does that again then bitch smack her and describe in vivid detail how retarded she is to her face

did you give her the dog? lol what did she say?

countrygirl2415 10

Wtf I would tell her to Fu** off I'm not giving you guys my dog and to get off of my property.

_flower_child_ 9

I hope you didn't actually give them the dog.

I would tell her that I will give the kid the dog as long as she gives you her a cherished member of her family in exchange. I would also remind her that she can demand all she wants but it isn't likely to get her anywhere.

I'm going to agree with the others and suggest you microchip your dog if you haven't already (when I adopted my cat six years ago, she was automatically microchipped). Collars are good, but anyone can remove a collar and the tags on it. Make sure any dog walkers, family members, visitors, anyone who interacts with the dog knows the neighbor demanded you give her the dog to appease her whining bratty daughter, and you fear they might steal the dog if s/he's left unattended. There are a lot of awful people in the world, many of them who had parents who never set reasonable boundaries for their kids.

wtf???! if she tries anything call the police! crazy ass neighbours you got there OP (: