By Anonymous - 22/06/2016 02:45 - United States - Chillicothe

Today, my neighbor's 4-year-old daughter came up to me and asked if she could have my dog. When I said no, she started crying so much that her mom came out 5 minutes later and demanded that I give her daughter the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 814
You deserved it 1 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Demand that she give you her daughter to show her how irrational she is

Wow. That is just some stand up parenting being done by your neighbour....


Just ask her why she needs "another" bitch in the house.

DO NOT GIVE HER THE DOG!!! Tell the mother to get her bratty little daughter her own dog

People are fricken twacked. You need to tell her she's a psycho path and to stay the hell away from your property.

thatnewgirl 16

I feel like this can't be real. .. I dint understand how people could act like this. .. it's irrational and stupid. I'm sorry this mother was like that, I'd be so embarrassed. that dog is rightfully yours and for them to demand you to give them your family member is awful.

Superbaker123 14

Looks like the daughter learned from the best.

And that's what is wrong with this world. Spoiled entitled little *****. I would have beaten then both to death before even letting them near my dog.

Children want everything and have to be taught to understand being told no and that they can't have everything they want. This is all on the mother for not teaching her, the little girl is a victim of circumstance having her as a mother.

LovingLifeGurl 7

I really hope you did not sub-come to the demands, you have no obligation to hand over your dogs.

The hell is "sub come"? Were you trying to say "succumb"?

Tell the old bag to kiss your ass. The dog does is yours and it the spoilt brats

You might want to take extra steps to making sure your dog won't suddenly go missing. I would hate for you to lose your dog because of a spoiled brat.