By I hate nasty people - 05/04/2012 16:18 - United States - South Bend

Today, my new roommate took a shower. This would be a good thing, except for the fact that it's apparently taken her two months just to take this one. I have to live with her for another year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 841
You deserved it 2 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Matty1188 6

Tell her she needs to shower more. Otherwise you're going to start spilling buckets of water and soap on her every morning.

Comments Even at the height of my depression I was still forcing myself to bathe at least once a week. Firstly, make sure she isn't doing at least sponge baths. Or that she doesn't have a mental disorder. If none of that applies...I do not know what to say. But it really does sound like something is wrong with her. A calm, mature conversation might help as others have suggested though.

UGH Reminds me of someone I went on vacation with for about a month. She would shower once every 3-4 days despite us running around. Not to mention she wore the same pajamas every night for a month! It was disgusting, especially when she liked to sit on my bed. She will scratch her head all the time and dandruff will fall. I told her it is because her hair is dirty, but she insisted it is because her scalp is dry. Um, I would not consider a scalp dry if you shower once every 3-4 days! EKK!

That is so ******' gross. Ewwwww. I'm so sorry .

So her lack of regular bathing wasn't apparent before you let her move in or at any point before now? Seems like you have a bigger problem than she does.

is her name joann? because you are in for 3 showers in a whole year if that is the case, freshman year not so fresh.

U at least get more warm water and a smaller water bill