By I hate nasty people - 05/04/2012 16:18 - United States - South Bend

Today, my new roommate took a shower. This would be a good thing, except for the fact that it's apparently taken her two months just to take this one. I have to live with her for another year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 841
You deserved it 2 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Matty1188 6

Tell her she needs to shower more. Otherwise you're going to start spilling buckets of water and soap on her every morning.


Try to tell her and if that don't work just dump soap on her with water in the morning saying you were waking her up:)

Omg you've GOT to be kidding!!!! Who does that???? ****** gross!!!!

throw a bucket of water when he sleeps.

I've lived with a french foreign exchange student for two months. She showered about once a week. It was way better than once every two months though. She still smelled though.

Not really. We're lucky to get my dad to shower once a week. Been worse than this for I don't even know how long and we're not used to it.

She's gone two months without bathing? That's just... How does one to that to themselves? I honestly can't go a day without bathing/washing my hair or else I just feel gross and embarrassed. FYL, OP. Switch her cereal milk with listerine and when she's asleep pour a mixture of soap and water on her and when she awakens attack her with deodorant and possibly a bit of perfume. Best of luck!

born_hustla 26

Stinky situation for a year. Omg

Kaleigh090 11

Inform her that, by not showering regularly, her body is literally building its own fungus which is harmful to her health. Plus, you should probably tell her it's just nasty...

BellaMarta 19