By veiny - 21/04/2015 13:48 - United States - Kingsport

Today, my nurse girlfriend told me she's more attracted to the veins in my arm than any other part of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 631
You deserved it 3 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.... at least she's not attracted to someone else

That's a weird thing to say. What makes your veins different from everyone else's?


Why are people saying "at least she is attracted to part of you", why would she be his girlfriend if she wasn't attracted to him? This is a bonus, just like some love beards on a man.

Put some ice on it and rest a LOT! It'll be relaxing to rest, the ice will keep it from swelling a ton, and you'll feel better in a jiffy! Feel better soon! :)

What's the bloody problem!?! Alteast she likes you!

Justin1459 16

That means she's attracted to how strong you are. Be glad about that and that she's not attracted to the veins of anyone else OP.

I am pretty attracted to the strong veiny arms of certain men so I get where she's coming from. I'm sure she didn't literally mean she prefers your veins to your personality and all the other things she loves about you. (:

Everyone has their things, just don't make her feel like she is weird for it and this won't be an fml.

conman531 23

At least she's not messing around with another dude's veins.