By Anonymous - 23/10/2009 15:15 - Netherlands

Today, my old highschool math teacher called me, asking me to please stop calling him at 2AM every weekend. Turns out my best friend uses my cellphone to call his number every time she's drunk, and declares her eternal love to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 398
You deserved it 4 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do NOT let your friend use your phone any more.

u got a friend who still stays smart enough to use your phone and not hers when she's drunk? props 2 her. I usually don't have a clue when I'm wasted. just keep an eye on your phone from now on. FYL.


why do you have your teachers phone number?

She's not your best friend. She's using you for your phone. -Dundundun-.

Quinnjamin 0

Hey, at least you didn't have my old math teacher, he creeped on pretty much every girl in the class.

ydi for having your math teachers phone number

Ach ja, stalkers zal je altijd houden. :P

um, how exactly does your friend have access to your cellphone every weekend? and why would you let her use it if she was obviously drunk? and how do you not realise who she's calling? and yes, why is she gettinf drunk at 2 pm. a lot about this doesn't add up... unless you're all morons or something.

The most negative part of this is that it zeroed the probability of your ever getting your teacher to bisect your angle with his orthogonal ray. Your roommate is quite obtuse.

WHY DO YOU HAVE YOUR TEACHERS NUMBER?! Also, as everyone else has, 2pm? Nice.