By brizzle - 05/04/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my parents came home after being out of town for the weekend. I stayed home, did homework and completely cleaned the house, thinking I could earn some brownie points with them. They saw how clean the house was and accused me of covering up a party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 485
You deserved it 6 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i've been there..never understood how the house can be "too clean"

liz16 0

if they already think you did you might as well have had one


idontsinkso34 0
Benatron 0

Parents always love to try to make you look worse than you actually are. Haha.

#12 has it. Screw them. When they were teens they probably thew loads of parties when their parents left - that's why their suspicious. Being a parent isn't easy but some people just ******* fail at it. I don't know how you dealt with it.

Haha, my mom always used to think I was doing horrible things and that she just never caught me. She'd ground me for really stupid shit to make up for things that she thought I'd done anyway. BECAUSE of that, I actually started doing whatever I wanted, because I knew she'd ground me regardless. Parenting win.

ohreally123 0

Well if you had thrown a party, obviously there was no harm done - the house is clean, nothing's broken, nobody's pregnant, etc - so what's the problem?

eoh42 0

Quit lying you stupid *****, you know you had a ******* party. Quit lying to your parents and you will magically learn that you will quit being accused of shit. You deserved this shit big time.

I thought that that same thing would happen to me, so I made sure to clutter my house back up after having a little get together. I ended up leaving a beer cap on the table and a blacklight somewhere. Yeah haha I was a little dumb..