By brizzle - 05/04/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my parents came home after being out of town for the weekend. I stayed home, did homework and completely cleaned the house, thinking I could earn some brownie points with them. They saw how clean the house was and accused me of covering up a party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 485
You deserved it 6 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i've been there..never understood how the house can be "too clean"

liz16 0

if they already think you did you might as well have had one


wandaax03 0

Lol at #12 and #11. Been there though.. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It sucks.

eschreib 0

my parents would accuse me of something like that. that is, if they would let me spend the weekend alone in the first place

lolwhat_fml 0

agreed with number 10, 11, and 12 ;D

haha well obviously your rents dont trust you !

Next time, do throw a party, and leave it in a mess, when they ask "WTF!?" Say: "I didn't want it to look I was covering up, so I decided to leave it"

i have to say YDI. Only because....if youre going to be a good kid and do all that shit much less clean the house, atleast put it to good use before doing so.

wow trust issues haha there was no evidence of a party, so i hope you didn't get in trouble. and don't listen to all these people, house parties suck when they're at your house. all you should have done is have one or two people over for some sex or something lol hahaha #19

next time might as well throw the party.