By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 18:19 - United States

Today, my parents insisted that despite the fact I've just turned sixteen, I have to save them money by ordering from the children's menu, because I "still look like a twelve year-old." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 732
You deserved it 4 112

Same thing different taste


kaykay20 0

My husband jokes about that with me but he's never serious about it. If your parents are serious fyl.

That, is embarassing, so do you want chicken fingers or mac n' cheese.

Would u like a cup of apple juice, milk, or chocolate milk?

bigAC 6

also you can still get a child's ticket at the movie theater! You may not be saving much but it's worth it.

Yes but then you can't get into PG-13+ movies.

marpay 11

If they are going with their parents then yes they can get into pg-13+ movies. Solo I doubt they would even try for a children's ticket.

Well it all adds up eventually so overall it does save money!

But you can miss out on some fun stuff lol

My dad used to try and get me into movies that way.

YoYoYo20_21_22 2

Wow who cares. That isn't an fml.

The kids menu usually has better food then the regular menu!

FYLDeep 25

Can't you eat the adult portion size? Unless maybe you went to one of those Italian restaurants that give you way more food than any one person could eat.

bigAC 6

it's because it's cheaper, not because he/she can't eat all of it.

FYLDeep 25

Yeah, but you're not getting your money's worth if your still hungry.

FYLDeep 25

Shit, I ****** up my "your". I hate doing that.

omgcookeys 15

Chicken fingers and fries ftw :)

Well OP, that sounds exactly like something my parents would do.. :)

gabrielbaby 9

No then they'd just think your a fat kid, and try to not say anything so they don't offend you.

hannahmorgan06 7