By Jaclk - 24/04/2012 21:28 - United States - Needham

Today, my parents went out of town and I was home all alone. I put up party decorations such as streamers, balloons and confetti. Then, I drank out of red cups, crushed them up and put them all over the house. I didn't have a party, I just wanted to convince my family that I'm not a loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 888
You deserved it 19 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhhm... No one puts up party decorations for an actual party...


toast55 3

Why the decorations? Was it a children's bday party you threw?

So not being a loser means disobeying your parents to have idiots you don't like trash your house and make unwise and/or illegal decisions. You could just invite a friend over or something...

cuddlebunny3548 11

You may as well have just had a raging party, the cool kids would have showed up, I promise.

I'm genuinely sad now. I'm sorry you're a loser OP...

Mossadchick 5

You are so pathetic. Wow. Drinking doesn't make you cool btw.