By Jaclk - 24/04/2012 21:28 - United States - Needham

Today, my parents went out of town and I was home all alone. I put up party decorations such as streamers, balloons and confetti. Then, I drank out of red cups, crushed them up and put them all over the house. I didn't have a party, I just wanted to convince my family that I'm not a loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 888
You deserved it 19 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhhm... No one puts up party decorations for an actual party...


kirrra 11

Don't think of it as being a loser,hopefully you can enjoy your own company,that in my opinion is better than always needing someone else around

jacquesromualdez 12

You could've invited us over, that would be one hell of a party.

Devin91 20
audiophileMom 11

On the plus once you survived college you'll be successful and potentially happy. Sorry bout the rough time til then :(

Red solo cup I want to fill you up And have a fake party I have to go with predix on this one you choose the lamest decorations ever in "home alone let's party". history. Personally if you go this far in an attempt to impress your parents I am sorry you probably are a looser.

If you went to all that trouble why didnt you just throw a party